This was not what I had planned to write about this week. But, much like an aura migraine itself... OTHER PLANS DO NOT MATTER.
What is an aura migraine? I'm so happy you asked. Up until two years ago, I also had no idea a migraine could cause blindness, numbness, and HALLUCINATIONS! Sounds like fun, right? Like many of my health ailments, I somehow end up getting the "rare breed" of an otherwise pretty common health issue (for example: headaches, asthma, and allergies).
Like most migraines, Aura Migraines are categorized by a throbbing pain in one's head, as well as sensitivity to light and noise. I feel like everyone has gotten one of those headaches at least once. You take a couple of excedrin, lay down with a cold compress on your head in a dark room, and you usually emerge a few hours later relatively okay. They're not fun, but they're not super scary.
Aura migraines, however, are SUPER SCARY. I experienced my first one a couple of years ago when I was out walking the dog. Suddenly, I couldn't see. There was a fog over everything. My then-boyfriend (now husband) took me to the ER and during my initial exam, my entire right side went numb (from the top of my head, down to my mouth and throat, and especially in my arms and hands). The hospital called a code for a stroke (which is incidentally just called "Code Stroke" in case any writers were worried about the Network notes) and I was immediately sent off for a brain scan and various other tests.
After spending the night for observation, my very handsome neurologist determined I have migraines with aura, which causes those stroke-like symptoms. And here's the best part: THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO FOR THEM. You don't know when they'll strike or why. They just do.
Cut to yesterday- it's Monday, and I'm feeling good about the week, not to mention my hair looks amazing from the weekend's brazilian blowout (another post for another day), and I'm just going along my day, when all of a sudden... that haziness starts to take over my eyes and I can't see or focus. Sadly, this was the one day in the office that both of our doctors weren't in, but I dragged my friend outside to get some air with me and make sure I didn't fall on account of the not being able to see. After about 10 mins, I realized this migraine was a ticking timb bomb about to go off. I needed to get out of the office before I turned into "Headache Hulk." I called my amazing husband who had the day off and took me home. By the time he got to me, I had reached the "body numbing" phase where I couldn't talk or move my arms (really fun when you're carrying your giant work bag!) I don't remember anything from the car ride home, but apparently I was kicking and screaming in the car (remember when I said my husband is a saint?)
After about an hour of aura (that's how long it typically lasts), I got the all-clear from my neurologist that I didn't need to go to the ER for an MRI. Phew. I popped some excedrin, ate some chips, then laid in a cold, dark room for the rest of the day. Thankfully, my hair still looked amazing. I guess aura migraines don't necessarily derail all plans!