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Monthly Goals: August Edition

Ah, a new month! For OCD Virgos like myself, a new month means a new opportunity to evaluate where I'm at and set new goals for the month ahead. It's become my 1st of the month tradition and does wonders to keep me on track and motivated.

So, how do I go about deciding what goals to pursue? I don't want to overwhelm myself, so I usually try to keep it between 5-10 mini-goals. Often times they fall under the following categories:

-Work Goals (if I have a particular project coming up)

-Writing Goals (the loftiest of them all)

-Personal Goals (things that will improve my well-being)

-Health and Fitness Goals (self explanatory)

-House Goals (a particular project)

-Fun Goal (something just for me!)

-Book Goal

-Trip or Adventure Goal

On that note, here are my goals for August:

August Goals

-Slow Down and Rest

-Make Health a Priority

-Blogilates Abs Challenge

-Organize Script Binders at Work

-New Pilot Script Polish and send to people for notes

-Write 4 Chapters of my Novel

-Clean Out Closet and Drawers

-Cut My Hair and Donate to Locks of Love

-Finish Outlining another pilot

-Start Buying Furniture for the Office redesign

-Book: Hamilton Bio

-Vacation: Something Spontaneous with Nate

What are some of your goals for August?

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