I'm a big believer in having a daily set (or sets) of routines. To break it down, a routine is a set of actions or habits that are regularly followed. For me, it's the difference between chaos and productivity. And they can be really, really small. Over time, the small habits that you perform every day will become second nature and lead to an overall sense of well-being and accomplishment (that's certainly the goal!)
Here's a sample of my morning routine that gets me ready and in the right frame of mind for the day:
-Check emails and social media in bed (allow 10ish mins, don't reply or post anything)
-Wipe my face with a facial cleansing towelette (this instantly wakes me up!)
-Let the dog out, turn on the coffee maker (kitchen stuff)
-Drink a glass of lemon water (lately I've been adding 2 slices of cucumber, also!)
-Meditate (10 mins, turn off phone)
-Make coffee, feed the dog, change the dog's water bowl (more kitchen stuff)
-Read headlines and horoscopes (gets my brain going)
-Make daily to-do list, drink coffee
-Turn on Spotify (usually Acoustic Morning playlist)
-Change into workout clothes (brush teeth, put on deodorant, put my hair in a bun)
-Stretching and Sun Salutations
From there, my day starts to diverge: sometimes I'll go for a run after, sometimes I'll do another form of workout, or sometimes (like today), I'll be running late and I need to get my butt in the shower and out the door.
From start to finish, the whole routine takes about 45 mins. What are some of your morning routines? Do you think it helps start your day on the right foot?